Sunday, November 3, 2019

Disciple's Prayer

                                               When The Door Slams                                        

"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.                                                                               Your kingdom come.                                                                                                                           Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven."  
                                                                          Matthew 6:9-10                                                                 
       This is the first half of the Lord's Prayer. We could actually call it the Disciple's Prayer, because it is a model of how we should pray to God. Jesus began with worship, showing reverence for our Heavenly Father. As a perfect, loving, all-powerful God, our Heavenly Father deserves our respect.

       Jesus also taught us to make a mysterious request: "Your kingdom come." What is God's kingdom? It is a spiritual kingdom that exists now, a future true Messianic Kingdom here on earth, or an eternal kingdom in heaven? It quite likely includes all three.

       God will accomplish His will whether or not we ask Him to. But in the very act of seeking His will, our lives are put in proper perspective. If we ask sincerely, the Father will grant us wisdom to know His desires for our lives each day as we take part in helping others in building His kingdom on earth.

       We also look forward to a faithful one thousand-year Millennial Kingdom here on earth, ruled by Jesus. The Father's eternal kingdom is in heaven. As believers, we will dwell in all three. ask God to guide you in your role in His kingdom. It is beyond our ability to comprehend God's eternal perspective. May God grant us enough of His insight to devote our lives daily to His will and to His kingdom.

Ask the Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin.              Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness.



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