Sunday, November 1, 2020

Things Done In Secret

                                                         When The Door Slams

"For nothing is concealed that won't be revealed,                                                                                        and nothing hidden that won't be made known and come to light."                                                                                                                                                                                Luke 8:17 

        One of Satan's subtle deceptions is that you can do things in secret that will never be revealed. This is simply not so. The Bible stresses that everything done in darkness will one day be brought to light. So before you commit yourself to do anything questionable, or you think no one will know, seriously ask yourself, "Am I willing for those around me to know what kind of person I am or what I am about to do? Am I willing for God to watch me participate in this activity, will God forgive me?" He might not. 

        Think about this: The knowledge that God sees what we do, the certainty that we are accountable for every word and action, ought to dissuade us from sin (2 Cor. 5:10). But we can become so alienated or disgraceful from God that even this knowledge does not deter us. God promises that He will publicly expose our sin so that we must give an account to others for our actions. Ultimately, everything we do will be exposed on Judgment Day.

        Still, some people believe they can sin against God, their families, husband ,wife, their employers, or their friends and never be discovered. God has provided a safeguard against sin: the certainty of disclosure. Scripture commands us to expose the deeds of darkness as we become aware of them        (Eph. 5:11). As Christians we are to be that light that dispels darkness in our world. Sin shell not be my master, because I am not under law, but under grace. I have been set free from sin and have become a slave of righteousness. (Romans 6:14, 18). He who has Your commandments and obeys them, he is the one who loves You; and he who loves You will be loved by Your Father, and You will love him and manifest Yourself to him. (John 14:21) 

Ask the Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin.                         Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness. 

                                                                                                        Never Rest Ministries 


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