Saturday, March 6, 2021

Here I Am. Send Me!

                                                        When The Door Slams

Your people will join You on Your day of battle. You have been dressed in holiness from birth;                You have the freshness of a child.                                                         Psalm 110:3 

        One mark of revival, during which God comes to His people in power, is that God's people are compelled to offer their lives for His service. Many churches lack people who are willing to get involved in carrying our God's redemptive work. The mission fields are crying out for Christians to go and share the gospel with those who have never heard it. What we need is not more pleas for volunteers, but an outpouring of the power of God. When God comes among His people in power, there is never a shortage of volunteers or resources for His work!

        Think about this: When Christians today are asked what aspects of the Christian life are most important to them, missions is not usually ranked as a priority. This is because we have lost track of why God called us in the first place. We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world. 

        Only the power of God can free us from our natural self-centeredness and reorient us toward the mission of God. there is no need to pray that God would come in power. That is the only way He ever comes. We need hearts that are so responsive to Him that He will choose to demonstrate His power through us. Is your heart so filled with love for God that you are watching for the first opportunity to say with Isaiah, "Here I am. Send me!"        

May I not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, but join with others in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God. (2 Timothy 1:8)

Ask the Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin.                              Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness.  

                                                                                                        Never Rest Ministries  

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