Saturday, September 10, 2022

Where Is My Help In Times Of Failure

                                                     When The Door Slams

"Master," Simon replied, "we've worked hard all night long and caught nothing! But at Your word, I'll let down the nets,"                                                                 Luke 5:5

        No one knows how to help you in your times of failure as Jesus does! Jesus will not overlook your shortcoming or simply encourage you to do better the next time. Jesus will give you victory in the midst of your failures. 

        Peter had fished all night without success. This was not just a meager catch; he had caught nothing, even though he was a skilled fisherman. Jesus could have said, "Peter, don't worry about your empty net. You'll soon be in a different business anyway." Instead, Jesus told Peter to launch out into the deep and to cast out your nets for a catch. How humbling it must have been for Peter! Here was a carpenter telling this outspoken fisherman how to fish! 

        Jesus often gets your undivided attention when you fail. Jesus sometimes takes you back to your place of defeat in order to build something good into your life. You may assume that Jesus don't want you to continue because you failed so miserably in your attempt. 

        Think about this: Perhaps your problem was that you relied on your own religion as strength instead of the Holy Spirit's. Maybe you failed in your spiritual relationship as in obedient. Jesus will not allow you to abandon Him; Jesus will help you learn from your failure and experience the difference that He can make when He guides your relationships. When you trust in God's obedient, you may discover that success is indeed within you grasp. If you have recently experienced failure, Jesus will relate to you in ways that are unique to you.    

        Jesus knows what you will face in the future. Because He knows everything about you, Jesus word to you will perfectly fit the circumstances of your life. You may be in a group of Christians who are listening to God's Word, and you may hear things from Jesus thru the power of the Holy Spirit that no one else hears.   

 Ah, LORD God! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You. You are the great and mighty God, whose name is the LORD  of hosts. You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, and Your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men; You reward everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his deeds (Jeremiah 32:17-19). 

Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the LORD and thank Him for His forgiveness.

                                                               Never Rest Ministries              


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