Sunday, April 2, 2023

We Are Not Equipped To Do Life Alone

                                                        When The Door Slams

I know, LORD, That a man's way of life is not his own; no one who walks determines his own steps. Discipline me, LORD, but with justice-not in Your anger, or You will reduce me to nothing.                                                                                  Jeremiah 10:23-24

        Humans are prone to wander, make mistakes, and become defeated. The first couple of the Bible had very simple rules to follow, but they easily became convinced to be lawbreakers. Adam and Eve had every reason to follow a trustworthy God. However, it seemed easy to believe that God was holding all the best for Himself and following Him would not be in their best interest. 

        We are no different. We feel that God doesn't really understand us. We believe He wants to withhold something we want right now. God designed us to embrace His plan and purpose, but thanks to sin, and now our natural understanding is to look out for ourselves. 

        We can be convinced that, fame, lies and money provide a path to the satisfaction we want, but they don't. Instead, the religious self-centered pursuit of these things pulls them away from God, the only One who can truly satisfy us.

        We are not equipped to do life alone, so God gave us directions to follow, lessons to learn, and the Holy Spirit to lead us. A self-focused lifestyle often leads us to conflict, communication breakdown, and destructive behavior. In what parts of your life have you been looking out only for yourself?

        Think about this: When we truly turn our hearts toward the face of Jesus the Son of the Living God, we feel the sense that Jesus is inviting us to walk with Him. And that's precisely the path that we must follow. When we behave ourselves as faithful servants, we honor the Father and the Son. And we  live righteously and according to God's commandments, Jesus blesses us in ways that we cannot fully understand.    

 Adoration: How great are Your works, O Lord! Your thoughts are very deep. The senseless man does not know; Fools do not understand That when the wicked spring up like grass And all the evildoers flourish, They will be destroyed forever. But You, O Lord, are exalted forever (Psalm 92:5-8).  

Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal any areas of unconfessed sin. Acknowledge these to the LORD and thank Him for His forgiveness.

                                                                    Never Rest Ministries                  


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