Saturday, May 2, 2020

When The Bottom Falls Out

                                               When The Door Slams

Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me, For I am desolate and afflicted.                                    The troubles of my heart have enlarged; Oh, bring me out of my distressed!                                      Look on my suffering and my pain, And forgive all my sins.
                                                                                                                          Psalm 25:16-18 

       What do you do when the bottom falls out of your world? Some people get busier, Some get depressed and sleep to escape. Others try to gain relief from the pain by using drugs or alcohol. Still some just pray. You will often hear people making fun of someone who prays saying he or she must be weak to pray.

       Think about this: In the Book of Psalm, David did not fit into this category. He had confidence and charisma. He was a leader. He had served as King of the nation Israel, and he was well liked and appreciated. On the other hand, David did experience psychological difficulty. He felt he was alone and desolate. He was aware of his failures and sins, and felt distant from God. He pleaded with God.

       David was in psychological, physical and spiritual pain. His negative thoughts grew out of proportion. In all of his pain and self-pity, David cried out to God. It is no disgrace to be hurting and to call on God for help. If King David could ask God to grant him relief from pain, so can we.

Ask the Spirit to search your heart and reveal and areas of unconfessed sin.                                      Acknowledge these to the Lord and thank Him for His forgiveness. 

Lord, grant me the courage to face whatever life holds,                                                                      and grant me the wisdom and humility to call on You for help.   

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